Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Corporate Governance Mechanism Essay

Executive Summary This paper will reviews the extent to which corporate governance acts as efficient tool to protect investors against corporate fraud, thus contributing to summarize the literatures on role of corporate governance on preventing occurrence of corporate fraud. In a more recent study, corporate fraud is part of earnings manipulation done outside the law and standards. Whereas, the activities covered by the terms earnings management (such as income smoothing and big bath) and creative accounting (or window dressing) normally remain within the regulations. In this regard, corporate governance mechanism, particularly effective boards, audit committees, and auditors, decrease the likelihood of corporate fraud occurs. At very last contemplation, vigilant structure within corporation as holding stakeholders interests with shift in ethics and values will likely stop greedy executives to take personal advantages. Keywords: Corporate fraud, earnings management, corporate governance, board effectiveness, audit committee effectiveness and auditor effectiveness. 1. Introduction There are a number of legal cases involving the accounting manipulation in leading companies in the United States of America (USA) and also other countries, such as Enron and WorldCom in USA, and HIH Insurance and One.Tel in Australia. These have led investors, regulators, and academics to focus on improving dimension of corporate governance to unveil that unethical financial reporting practice. Scholars commonly attribute that poor corporate governance in such companies caused their earnings manipulation. For instance, Lavelle (2002) asserts that Enron’s bankruptcy was caused by the audit committee’s lack of independence, which determined from poor governance, which is part of corporate governance mechanism. This paper will reviews the extent to which corporate governance acts as efficient tool to protect investors against corporate fraud, thus contributing to summarize the literatures on role of corporate governance on preventing occurrence of corporate fraud. In addition, from the practical point of view, this paper is expected to provide information on how board and audit committee, auditor and regulator indicate and anticipate which firm’s corporate governance mechanism that cause the likelihood to fail to prevent commit corporate fraud and loose stakeholders. In general discussion, corporate governance mechanism assures a crucial role in improving the efficiency of capital market through its impact on corporate operating efficiency and effectiveness, sustainable growth, and integrity and quality of financial report. Blue Ribbon Committee (1999) asserts good governance promotes relationship of accountability among primary corporation participants to enhance corporate performance. This mechanism holds management accountable to the board and the board accountable to stockholders. The key element of board oversight is working with corporation management to achieve corporate legal and ethical compliance. Board oversight mechanism can be taken in place to deter fraud, anticipate financial risk, and promote high quality, accurate, and timely disclosure to the board, to the public market and to the shareholders. This paper is organized as follows. In the next section, it will be presented the literature review regarding the corporate fraud and earnings management. It is continued by discussing the effectiveness of board oversight and audit committee, role of external auditor and closing thoughts at curbing fraud. 2. Fraud and Earnings Management In this section, it will be distinguished between corporate frauds from earnings management. Existing literatures seem no clear agreement on differentiating both those two event in corporate reporting. 2.1 What is Corporate Fraud? In the beginning of 2000s, US investors has been hit by intentionally falsify of financial reporting in the biggest and prominent public company. The companies such as Enron, Worldcom, HIH Insurance and One.Tel, to name but a few, has perpetrated and resulted a monumental losses for the investing public. For instance, Enron that recorded as the seventh largest corporation by its market capitalization in US, averaging $90 per share and worth US$70 billion in 2000, was suddenly collapsed in late 2001. Morrison (2004) asserts that the cause of the collapse is the largest corporate fraud and audit failure. Then, it can be understood that the massive corporate fraud caused by fraudulent financial reporting have contributed to a very sharp decline in the US stock market. Many of these corporate scandals include such as action of account manipulation, earnings management, restatement and other failing to report the significant events to investing public. Then, what corporate fraud does really mean? One of the answers, corporate fraud is defined as an intentional or reckless conduct, whether by act or omission, that results in materially misleading financial statements (National Comission on Fraudulent Financial Reporting of the United States, 1987). Many prior studies (Persons, 2006; BÃ ©dard, Chtourou & Courteau 2004; Uzun, Szewczyk & Varma, 2004; Abbott, Parker & Peters, 2000; Beasley, 1996) have found that corporate fraud generally involves the accounting irregularities notion, such as: * Manipulation, falsification or alteration of accounting records or supporting documents from which financial statements are prepared. * Misrepresentation in or intentional omission from, the financial statements of events, transactions, or other significant information. * Misapplication of accounting principles relating to amounts, classification, manner of presentation, or disclosure. Stolowy and Breton (2004) proposed the framework to understand the classification of account manipulation. They classify the manipulation that is outside the law and standards constitutes as fraud (known as corporate fraud, financial fraud, and accounting irregularities, interchangeability). Whereas, the activities covered by the terms earnings management (such as income smoothing and big bath) and creative accounting (or window dressing) normally remain within the regulations. Figure 1 presents that framework for understanding account manipulation (adopted from Stolowy and Breton 2004). Figure 1 Framework for Understanding Account Manipulation Fraud, in large extent, occurs when somebody commits an illegal act. In accounting notion, for example, fabricating false invoice to increase revenue number is fraud, while interpreting consignment sales as ordinary sales is errors. This different sometime does not clear to everyone, particularly who does not really understand how accounting treatment is. In short, it can be conclude that fraud exists when the account manipulation done outside the limit of the regulations (law and standards). 2.2 Earnings Management It is always hard to frame a useful definition to such a broad subject ‘earnings management’. Account manipulation done within law and standard is categorized into earnings management and creative accounting. The objective of this type account manipulation is to alter the wealth transfer mechanism: earnings per share (EPS on income statement side) and debt to equity ratio (balance sheet side). Based on figure 1, earnings management is a reporting activity done by manipulating the income statement into two ways: first, by presenting item before or after the profit used to calculate EPS and second, by removing or adding particular revenues or expenses (modification of total net income). In addition, ‘creative accounting’ term has been developed mainly by practitioners and commentators on market activity. The chartist concern comes from observing the market, not from any fundamental analysis. Windows dressing activities are done by manipulating structural risk to influence the level of firm’s debt to equity ratio. For example, interpretation at off balance sheet transaction such as leasing. Earnings management can be beneficial, neutral, and pernicious (Ronen & Yaari 2006). It is beneficial since it signals long term value. Managers take advantage of flexibility in the choice of accounting methods to signal internal information on future company’s cash flows. Then, it can be neutral when it reveals short-term true firm value. Managers can chose the accounting treatment either economically efficient or opportunistic behaviours. On the contrary, it is pernicious since it conceals short- or long term performance. This practice usually involves tricks to mislead or reduce the transparency of the financial information. Since the last decade, US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) had stated its concern about earnings management (Levitt 1998) and other scholar wonders the condition of the audit committees’ incapacity to deal with earning management which using accounting tricks to camouflage a firm’s true operating performance (Warrick 1999). As account manipulation is done outside law and standards, indeed it constitutes fraudulent financial reporting (Stolowy & Breton 2004). In this regard, scholars commonly find association between less fraudulent financial reporting and good corporate governance mechanism (Beasley 1996; Abbott, Parker and Peters 2000). 3. Governance Mechanism in Preventing Fraud In this section, it will be reviewed role of corporate governance in describing and preventing such as occurrence of corporate fraud. A vast number of previous literature reveal that company in default (fraud) have less effective boards, audit committees, and external auditors. 3.1. Board and Audit Committee Oversight Effectiveness The board of directors and its audit committee play a prominent role in corporate governance particularly in controlling top management. Back in 1983, Fama and Jansen argue that the board as a corporation’s highest level of control mechanism with ultimate responsibility over the way company is run. The literature review on fraudulent financial statement, restatement and financial reporting quality commonly indicates that characteristic and composition of the board do influence its effectiveness. A vast number of study examining proxies for the board’s power, independence and competence by: * The presence of financial expert; this characteristic of boardroom prevent the accounting fraud and minimize their seriousness (Farber 2005). * Proportion of independence directors on the board; the percentage of independent directors in fraudulent firms is likely to be smaller than in compliant firm. In the same way, the presence of non-affiliated block holder on the board will be negatively associated with the level of non-compliance of accounting manipulation outside law and regulation (fraud) (Beasley 1996, Beasley et al. 2000 and Abbott et al. 2004). * The number of seats directors; board size increases the likelihood of corporate fraud increases. The rational of this finding is a smaller board provide more of controlling function than do a larger board (Beasley 1996 and Jensen 1993). * Low board of director tenure; when turnover is high, so there will be a few employees (senior staff) who are still work with the company can memorize the corporation’s fraudulent activity. Few new employees are likely to join the line of power elite and therefore it will more foster insider power (senior staff) to institutionalize their position of power within corporation (Dunn 2004). * Separation of the CEO position and chairman of the board. Dunn (2004) argues that structural power, when managers also sit as key person in the board negates the advantages of a division of labour and can lead to adverse corporation outcomes. These above characteristics show that excessive power of board, percentage of unrelated directors and presence of financial experts will likely determine the level of company’s compliance with law and regulations. Indeed, this governance mechanism has been incorporated into corporate governance guideline in some prominent organisation and regulators (OECD 2004 and ASX 2008). For instance, in second edition ASX under principle 2 ‘the structure the board to add value’ requires that ‘the roles of chair and chief executive officer should not be exercised by the same individual’. In some extent this empirical finding has been taken into account by some market self regulatory such as ASX. It is important to note that audit committee effectiveness is negatively associated with the occurrence of corporate fraud (Farber 2005; Abbott et al 2004; and Agrawal and Chadha 2005). Its committee’s effectiveness commonly is measured by number of outside directors and number of financial expert on firm audit committee. In addition, ASX 2008 states the importance of independence and competence of audit committee. International practice is moving towards an audit committee only comprised of independent directors. Regarding technical expertise, audit committee should include members who are all financially literate (able to read and understand financial statements), which at least one have accounting qualification and one who understand the industry practise which corporation operates. 3.2. Auditor Effectiveness Many previous studies argue that external auditor plays a crucial role in preventing and detecting accounting fraud (Farber 2005, Piot and Janin 2005, Myers et al. 2003, and Johnson et al. (2002). Farber (2005) finds that firms audited by one of Big 4 (PricewaterhouseCoopers, Ernst & Young, KPMG and Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu) are less often announcing fraudulent financial reporting compared to firms audited by non Big 4. Moreover, Piot and Janin (2005) states that the occurrence of restatement (low level of fraudulent financial reporting) is often proceeded by a change of external auditor. Then, it may be considered that auditor effectiveness can be measured by engaging Big 4 as external auditor and no suddenly change of auditor before their rotation period. In addition, there is debate over the benefit of rotation period. Myer et al. (2003) find that longer auditor tenure constrains management’s discretion with accounting accruals, which suggests high audit quality. This is consistent with Johnson et al. (2002) that also find accruals are larger and less persistent for firms with short auditor tenure relative to those with medium or long tenure. They argue that longer tenure can improve auditor expertise from superior client-specific knowledge. However, proponent of mandatory auditor rotation argues that lengthy auditor tenure erodes independence, which in turn impairs audit quality. Since independence is an abstract thing, regulators, practitioners, and academics often rely on the appearance dimension to operationalize the auditor independence (Dupuch et al. 2003). In common sense, auditor will be perceived less independence when provide such material amount of particular kinds of non-audit service to audit clients. Ladakis (2005) describes that in the year of 2000 alone, Enron as detected fraudulent corporation paid Andersen audit fees of US$25 million, and non-audit fees of US$27 million. 4. Closing Thoughts There are so many regulatory efforts aiming to curb corporate fraud and any other accounting irregularities within company, then people will find inconclusive answer that all regulation is not enough to deter the fraud in the future. Dishonest people inside corporation will insist to commit fraud and other type of crimes within or outside standards and regulations. Those who have no commitment to firms and society may always find a way to do fraud for personal advantages. They will override the regulations in even new creative practice to hide theft. Then, last hope to stop this is only good structure as holding between economic and social goal, individual and communal goal incorporated with shift in ethics and value. People must always remember that greedy executive who wants to acquire the personal benefit cannot be stopped by even best controls and regulations. Companies would be perform better by addressing the fraud issues specific to their own firm, and then developing an ethical corporate values that will hold them well in the long run. Corporate governance compliance within company and proactive fraud prevention effort by professional can decrease the corporation’s likelihood of being victimized by fraud. 5. List of References ABBOTT, L., PARK, Y. & PARKER, S. (2000) The Effect of Audit Committee Activity and Independence on Corporate Fraud. Managerial Finance, 26, 55-67. ABBOTT, L., PARKER, S. & PETER, G. (2004) Audit Committee Characteristics and Restatements. Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory, 23, 69-87. AGRAWAL, A. & CHADHA, S. (2005) Corporate Governance and Accounting Scandals. Journal of Law and Economics, 48, 371-390. AUSTRALIAN SECURITIES EXCHANGE (2008) Corporate Governance Principles and Recommendations. ASX Corporate Governance Council, 2nd Edition. BEASLEY, M. S. (1996) An Empirical Analysis of the Rotation Between the Board of Director Composition and Financial Statement Fraud. Accounting Review, 71, 443-465. BEASLEY, M. S., CARCELLO, J. V., HERMANSON, D. R. & LAPIDES, P. D. (2000) Fraudulent Financial Reporting: Consideration of Industry Traits and Corporate Governance Mechanisms. Accounting Horizons, 14, 441-454. BÉDARD, J., CHTOUROU, S. M. & COURTEAU, L. (2004) The Effect of Audit Committee Expertise, Independence, and Activity on Aggressive Earnings Management. Auditing, 23 (2), 13-35 BLUE RIBBON COMMITTEE (1999) Report and Recommendations of the Blue Ribbon Committee on Improving the Effectiveness of Corporate Audit Committees, New York: New York Stock Exchange and National Association of Securities Dealers. DUNN, P. (2004) The Impact of Insider Power on Fraudulent Financial Reporting. Journal of Management, 30, 397-412. DOPUCH, N., R. R. KING, AND R. SCHWARTZ. (2003) Independence in Appearance and in Fact: An empirical investigation. Contemporary Accounting Research 65, 83-113. FAMA, E. F. & JENSEN, M. C. (1983) Agency Problems and Residual Claims. The Journal of Law and Economics, 26, 327. FARBER, D. B. (2005) Restoring Trust After Fraud: Does Corporate Governance Matter? The Accounting Review, 80, 539-561. JENSEN, M.C. (1993) The Modern Industrial Revolution, Exit, and the Failure of Internal Control Systems. The Journal of Finance, 48, 831-880. JOHNSON, V. E., KHURANA, I.K., & REYNOLDS, J.K. (2002) Audit-Firm Tenure and the Quality of Financial Reports. Contemporary Accounting Research, Winter, 637-660. LADAKIS, E. (2005) The Auditor as Gatekeeper for the Investing Public: Auditor Independence and the CLERP Reforms – a Comparative Analysis. Company and Securities Law Journal, 23. LAVALLE, L. (2002) Enron: How Governance Rules Failed. Business Week, 3766, 28-29. 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The Review of Accounting and Finance, 3, 5-65. UZUN, H., SZEWCZYK, S. H. & VARMA, R. (2004) Board Composition and Corporate Fraud. Financial Analysts Journal, 60 (3), 33-43. WARRICK, W. W. (1999) Post-Blue Ribbon Committee thoughts on developing the audit committee’s charter and annual report. Directorship, 25, 6.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Junk Food Essay Essay

For the last thirty years, junk food has been part of our daily life. Whenever we are hungry, we want to celebrate, or have a quick easy meal, we resort to fast food. In this way, pizza, hamburgers, carbonated beverages (sodas), fried chicken, among others, have replaced the nutritious foods in our diet. But this is not the healthy way to nourish ourselves. In my opinion, junk food is certainly not the healthier option when we have to choose what to include in our diet. I clearly know and agree with doctors that junk food consumption must be controlled. Yet, do people really know the consequences this fatty, lack of protein food, have in our body at the time of eating them? To begin with, obesity has a strong bond with fast food. Eating junk food regularly and having a sedentary lifestyle leads to obesity. Obesity leads to other complications like increase in the cholesterol level, blocking of the arteries, the increased risk of coronary diseases, in addition to the physical discomfo rt that extra weight causes. As fast food is addictive it is very difficult to give up on these fatty foods and carbonated drinks and switch to healthier options. That is why I conceder that junk food must not have an essential role in our diet. Furthermore, junk food has too much fat, and too much saturated fat in the diet will cause people to put on weight and get fat or obese. For the opposite, healthy foods contain more vitamins and minerals, lower levels of sodium and chemical additives, and healthier oils and fats. Junk food is high in calories but low in useful vitamins or minerals and it often gets many of its calories from unhealthy saturated fats. That is why, if all the calories that are consumed are from saturated fats, we will be replacing the healthy food for the unhealthy saturated one. Junk food also contains extra salt than the nutritious food and it is unhealthy for the heart, and can cause coronary heart disease. Sugar is essential in junk food as it makes it tast e so good. Soft drinks, cordials, biscuits, cakes and lollies all have a lot of sugar. However, too much sugar makes people fat, rots the teeth, is bad for the blood and may cause other diseases. We can observe that the harm fast food means to our body is a fact to consider controlling the amount of junk food we eat, and avoid a regular intake. In addition, the advertisement fast food restaurants have, such as Mc Donald’s, Burger King, Pizza Hut or Taco Bell is really efficient and has an important role on the increase of obesity all over the world. In the United Kingdom, the Children’s Food Bill is intended to highly regulate the advertising of such food aimed at children, and many other countries are looking forward to do the same. Advertisement helps to increase the consumption of junk food, so, in my opinion, it must be also controlled by the government in order to lower the great number of obese people, harmed by the junk food. Despite the fact that junk food does not have all the nutrients we need to nourish our body, it can definitely be included in our menu, exercising a proper control over their consumption. That is to say, that the benefits of fast food, such as the taste, easy access, instant delivery and affordability can be enjoyed in a correct way if we follow a balanced diet, and in that way it would not cause harm to the body. Taking every argument into consideration, it is clear that fast food risks definitely outnumber its positive effects. The drawback of fast foo d is that it has almost zero nutritious value. The desire of fast food among children and adults is so much that it has been installed in our daily life, and one cannot avoid its consumption. To conclude, it is not wrong to eat junk food sometimes, provided that it is included in a balanced nutritious diet, controlling the correct amount of it.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Bayeux Tapestry (Experience-Letter) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Bayeux Tapestry (Experience-Letter) - Essay Example The Bayeux Tapestry depicts the events leading up to and during the Battle of Hastings. It is a tribute to William the Conqueror and his successful invasion of England, which brought about the end of the Anglo-Saxon reign of England and started the claim of the crown by Norman leaders.† (The Bayeux, n. p.)Many colors are used for the creation of this Tapestry. The Bayeux Tapestry tells the story, but its own story remains untold, and if it is told, it lacks veracity. Its origin, the reasons for its origin and its creators are not definitely known. The Tapestry is enmeshed in a web of controversy as for its genesis. Amidst the thick of the battle or immediately after the battle in whose mind such a poetic and artistic idea must have dawned? That individual cannot be a fire-brand, gun wielding general. He could be an art-loving King who has won the battle or a philosopher-historian. â€Å"Bishop Odo was William the Conqueror’s half-brother, and Odo features in the Bayeux Tapestry. As well as being William’s brother, the finished tapestry fits nicely inside the nave of the Bayeux Cathedral, suggesting that the Bayeux Tapestry is designed specifically for Odo and his cathedral. If this is the case, then Bishop Odo would have been responsible for approving the plans, designs and scenes created for the Bayeux Tapestry†. So, religion and politics both play part in the making of this Tapestry. As I move near the Tapestry and study it from the closest angle possible, I feel as if a spokesperson has materialized from it. and he speaks in a low voice that is audible to me only and not to other tourists who have come in a group to see it. That voice says, â€Å"I am a mere wall-hanging, an object of art to the one who views me thus. Only a few realize the historical facts that go in my creation, the battles that it represents, and I think you are one of them. I am part of the pages of human history daubed in bloodshed. My design is mysterious an d my story is appalling. Unless you are serious student of history, a researcher, you will not be able to recognize me. Am I right? Instead of inviting you to identify me, instead of beating about the bush on the preliminaries related to this tapestry, let me introduce myself to you. Lifestyles have changed; the dress codes for the fighting forces have changed. The modern fashion designers will not be able to make the head and tail of our dresses.† The voice continues, â€Å"I am Vital, a vassal of bishop Odo. Army moves and positioning of soldiers is one of the trickiest assignments in the era to which we belong. The moves and countermoves are decided on the basis of day to day reporting by those who are posted in the forward scouting positions. Just as the tapestry designs change in relation to the fashion trends, the moves in war change as per the demand of the strategy, tactics and allied issues prevailing on the decision making time. I, along with two others, am in charg e of supervising the work on the Tapestry. Scouting is important in that era, to know the battle-ready position of the enemy and to plan the counter moves. I am part of the forward scouting positions. So, while creating the Tapestry, I am in a position to give the exact details as to the happenings in the battle front. You are amazed to see the type of dress we the soldiers wear and some of the

Sunday, July 28, 2019

The Body of Lies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Body of Lies - Essay Example According to Hoffman, terrorists are now going back to traditional if not Stone Age technique of communication. Because of this fact, Hoffman has to rely more on Ferris’ operation and human intelligence. Roger Ferris met the head of the Jordanian GID named Hani Salaam and they had an agreement to help each other in finding Al-Saleem. But whatever agreement they have to each other, they are still bound to their responsibilities to their own countries. Hoffman was able to discover an Al-Saleem safe house and immediately contacted Ferris to check and watch the place closely. However, without Ferris’ permission, Hoffman conducted another operation which blew the whole safe house operation and ended up with Ferris bitten by dogs. It was this time when he met Aisha whom he eventually developed romantic interest. Another bombing was reported in Amsterdam which killed 75 people at the least. One of the men in the Al-Saleem safe house was recognized by Hani as Karami and compell ed him to become their asset in the Al Qaeda terrorist using his mother as Hani’s assurance for his cooperation. Hoffman wanted Karami to be interrogated by the CIA but Hani refuses to hand him over. Without the consent of both Hani and Ferris, Hoffman contacted Ferris’ new subordinate and instructed him to bring him Karami. Because of this, the safe house was blown and Ferris was blamed by Hani and instructed to leave Jordan. Hoffman and Ferris eventually thought that the only way to track Al-Saleem is to create another terrorist group that will threaten Al-Saleem’s ego and power. They planned and staged an attack and used a Jordanian architect named Omar Sadiki as the terrorist cell leader. But Ferris’ plan was made known to Al-Saleem when Sadiki was caught by his man and tortured. After which, Aisha was then kidnapped and while Ferris tried to recover her, he fell into the hands of Al-Saleem just across the border in Syria. He was interrogated and when he was about to be killed, Hani came to a rescue and Al-Saleem was arrested by the group. Hani admitted to Ferris that it was them who kidnapped Aisha to have a deal with Al-Saleem in exchange of Ferris. The movie ended with Ferris quitting the CIA and chose to stay in Jordan while leaving the audience the thought if he was going to reconcile with Aisha. The movie was not really about the politics or war but instead, the Body of Lies involved double-crosses and did not really have anything to say about the War on Terror. But this movie about Iraq war is something that offers good thriller standards. The movie offered moments of suspense but it offers more on how Ferris communicated with people and tries to gain information on the sought after terrorist Al-Saleem. In Markert’s (2011) book, the film Body of Lies belongs to the fictional features belatedly appear. According to Markert (2011), the films from 2001 to 2010 were mostly documentaries and films depicting villains suc h as Osama Bin Laden and revolving on the World Trade Center bombing. Several fictional films involving wars on Iraq and Afghanistan were made such as this film. However, this film did not involve Bin Laden or Hussein who were the favourite villains in the post-9/11 films.  

Describe something you have accomplished that makes you proud. what Essay

Describe something you have accomplished that makes you proud. what did you learn from this experience that might help you to ensure high academic achievement for all of your students - Essay Example When I was in college, I was married and I had two children at that time. Studying when one is married and has responsibility of children, cannot be considered an easy task. Studying requires enough time and at graduation level, it is also difficult. I learnt a lot when I studied at the college. I used to keep in mind that I would achieve my aim of obtainment of graduation degree because of my continuous struggle and hard work. I was to give time at my household and also to my studies. While studying for the bachelor’s degree, I learned to manage time and to work hard that plays a crucial role in everybody’s life. Management of time as well as hard work can be regarded as the most important aspects that we have to consider and exercise every time. My experience teaches me that time management and work should not be neglected in any case because if the aspects of time management and hard work are ignored, a person cannot succeed in his/her life. Success is directly attached to time management. In student life, a person learns to manage time. When one appears in the exam, it is only time management that helps him/her. As far as teachers are concerned, time management is also crucial. I was always attracted towards the profession of teaching. While being a student, I also learnt about being a teacher by means of my experiences in my college life with my teachers. As a teacher, my experience of being at a college will be very helpful for my students. I will facilitate with my experience of time management for their educational accomplishments and also, that a person can only succeed if he/she manages time and never loses courage towards the completion of his/her ambition. In my degree education, I never lost heart and struggled for the completion of my bachelors and also I managed time to succeed in my set aim. Pride can only come to a person when he/she

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Critically evaluate the view that, the global regulatory environment Essay

Critically evaluate the view that, the global regulatory environment and governance plays an important role on both the location and impact of Multinational enterprises - Essay Example Social economics puts emphasis on the dichotomous characteristic of the MNE, elaborated in the expression ‘making goods versus making money’ (Mcclintock 1999, 507) to examine the ways wherein clashes between these objectives may bring about social injustice. Usually this social disorder arouses collective action to remedy the inequality or discrimination, effectively mitigating the social harm of the MNE’s operations (Jones 2005). In this essay the role of global regulatory environment and governance on the location and impact of multinational enterprises is outlined. MNEs’ international investment and production is far-reaching. In 1997, roughly 53,000 MNEs and their foreign partners had an amassed direct foreign investment stock assessed at more than $3 trillion whilst the foreign partners’ international sales drew near to an approximated $9 trillion (Mcclintock 1999, 507). Global production has increased at a more rapid pace than global trade as suggested by sales of the foreign partners of MNEs increasing more rapidly than actual DFI investment and world exports as a share of international GDP surpassing increase in the proportion of imports and exports to GDP (Luo 2005). This globalisation of production has expanded the shared interdependence of regional and national markets. Due to the fact that transaction outlays may remain elevated in global exchange due to the incapability of attempts between private groups, such as corporate codes of conduct, or the government to achieve a ‘greater success’ in the interest of the general public, trials in supranational arbitration of conflicts have heightened (Kim, Prescott & Kim 2005). Two primary rationales for the growth of this governance are the integrative and technological necessities of contemporary life. The global technology transfer creates the demand for regulation and standardisation

Friday, July 26, 2019

Poverty contributes to environmental degradation.Discuss Essay

Poverty contributes to environmental degradation.Discuss - Essay Example n which are often related to the altered global atmospheric condition such as global warming or the El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO), shortages of freshwater supply, biodiversity losses, enormous land degradation like deforestation, and the depletion of fisheries and agricultural resources also significantly increases. (McMichael, Patz, & Kovats, 1998; Flood, 1997) Most economists believe that global poverty arises from the widening of gap between the rich and the poor. Among the few well-know economic concepts that could explain the increase of inequality in terms of income distribution and work opportunities are capitalism and globalization. Under a capitalized economy, business people in general gather a group of laborers in exchange with minimum wage. Since businessmen could earn a large sum of profit out of the lower income population, the gap between the rich and the poor increases over time. The same theory applies with globalization except that rich businessmen aim to maximize their wealth by hiring low-income individuals living in developing countries. degradation. Not only does the use of modern technologies such as industrial machines, motor vehicles, and airplanes contribute to the increase in air and water pollution which could seriously damage not only the water ecology but also the atmosphere, forest, and land resources. As part of determining the relationship between poverty and environmental degradation, the student will first discuss the differences between renewable and non-renewable resources followed by identifying and analyzing the major factors that causes serious damage towards the environment. Based on these factors, the student will examine and thoroughly discuss whether or not poverty contributes to environmental degradation. When it comes to maintaining a well-balanced ecological sustainability, we need to know that there will always be a trade-offs between the utilization of our environmental and natural resources with the

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Business& Law Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Business& Law - Assignment Example Tribunals gained full judicial mandate in the twentieth century, initially they composed of one chairperson and two experts in the relevant field. Tribunals were perceived to be more user friendly compared to courts due to their low cost and speed. The independence of tribunals got a major boost by the enactment of the human rights act 1998, which provided their full mandate in determining civil rights and criminal charges. This however, raised concern and prompted Sir Andrew Leggatt to draft the 2001 review. This review proposed the removal of tribunals from their sponsoring bodies and a department under the Lord Chancellor be tasked with the responsibility for policy and operations. This department would not engage in any disputes before the tribunal. The 2001 review further proposed the placement of all tribunal members under the leadership of a senior president to advice, support, and improve information which would help users to represent themselves where possible. The proposals were accepted and the Tribunal Courts and Enforcement Act 2007 was drafted and a harmonized Tribunals service was formed in April 2006 for all UK tribunals. A tribunal council under 2007 Act was established and tasked with reviewing the administrative justice system (ADAMS A, 2006). Reasons for Formation of Tribunals Before the Second World War, various tribunals were created to deal with issues such as War pensions, unemployment benefits, and old age pensions etc. However, in 1957 the tribunal system was under scrutiny by the Franks Committee. Frank suggested that tribunals were cheap, easily accessible, less complex and employs expert knowledge. It is known that the growth of Tribunals took place in an ad hoc form to deal with specific needs and demands (ADAMS A, 2006). Types of Tribunals Tribunals are part of the civil justice system. Some Tribunals function under local authorities or under government institutions. Tribunals exist in various forms depending on the case at hand. They include; First-Tier Tribunal/ the Upper Tribunal The First-tier Tribunal deals with appeals against government and public departments decisions. The Upper Tribunal based on the law hears appeals from the First-tier Tribunals. The Tribunal judges are qualified and the members of the Tribunal are specialists in various fields such as doctors, accountants, ex-service personnel etc (ADAMS A, 2006). Education Tribunals They are formed to resolve disputes that arise between parents and the school system concerning their children. They include: School Admission Appeal Panel These panels exist for parents whose children are denied admission to their preferred school. It cuts across primary, secondary, and maintained grammar schools. The admissions authority has the role of admitting a child and complying with parent’s preference unless doing so would jeopardize the efficiency and proper learning of other children. The school has to have an admission limit beyond which injustices would arise (ADAMS A, 2006). School Exclusion Appeal Panels Parents have the right to appeal whenever their children are excluded from school. The powers of the panel will depend on the nature and length of the exclusion. Not every disciplinary case amounts to exclusion, for example offences committed away from the school site or exclusion based on medical grounds. The panel’s options include upholding exclusion or directing reinstatement (ADAMS A, 2006). Special Educational needs and disability

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Indra Nooyi the Current CEO of PepsiCo Research Paper

Indra Nooyi the Current CEO of PepsiCo - Research Paper Example She launched her vision for the company with the motto â€Å"Performance with Purpose†, using her vast experience to promote a culture of change within the company. This has proved an integral strategy that will define her legacy, while her vision has significantly narrowed the company’s path for the foreseeable future (Annapoorna, 2011). Indra Nooyi has positively mastered various emotional intelligence competencies, including trustworthiness, adaptability, initiative, empathy, service orientation, and organizational awareness to succeed, which will be the focus of this paper. Indra Nooyi has proven to be a trustworthy leader with a real purpose and vision that her employees can believe in. While she is accountable ultimately to the shareholders at PepsiCo, it has been evident that she does not pander to Wall Street and is very clear about her goal to transform PepsiCo to a provider of healthy food and away from being a snack food firm (Cook & Glass, 2014). She has made this known through the prioritization of the environment, consumers, and her employees, considering a profit later, which has not been lost on her employees and management. The â€Å"Performance with Purpose† mission has formed the foundation for trust with her employees through its human sustainability, talent sustainability, and environmental sustainability aspects. By generating and balancing profits without loss of focus on her vision, the employees feel that the company has a secure future. This has also ensured that the employees focus on the company’s future and balance it with accountabilities and performance. Nooyi has given the employees a sense of purpose in knowing that they are making a difference while putting their future in the CEO’s hands for the future (Cook & Glass, 2014).  

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Journal Entry One Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Journal Entry One - Assignment Example An ethical culture is cultivated where the leaders behave in an ethical manner as the other staffs follow that as they are also rewarded. The Enron and Tyco scandals shows that un-ethical practices, lack of leadership, and financially corruption are the three reasons that lead to the collapse of the these giants that had been in operation and doing good business over the years. These two companies did not have effective compliance and ethics program since these scandals took long to be unearthed and this shows they did not have proper follow-ups for the leadership and also those staff that knew about it did not take it upon them to disclose them. A few months ago I worked for a company that did not follow the guidelines since the stated organisation ethics were only written and were openly seen to be followed even by the management since mistakes were committed but no due process was followed to punish the offenders. This gave a chance to all staff to do as they wished. Ellen, V. V., & Ascalon, E. (2008). The role and impact of leadership development in supporting ethical action in organisations. The Journal of Management Development, 27(2), 187-195. doi:

Monday, July 22, 2019

Social Networking on Facebook Essay Example for Free

Social Networking on Facebook Essay Social Networking on Facebook Arlene Pascual MIS Facebook (FB) is one of the latest trends in social networking (Facebook. com). Facebook (FB) is one of the most popular social networking sites among college students. FB started out as a site designed for and available to students at Harvard University to help them get acquainted with other students living in the dorms. But, it is now a public site. FB has become the number one choice of communication with college students, ranking higher than phone and email. FB attracts many students because it provides a place where students can have space of their own to express themselves and communicate freely with peers. This site provides an easy way for students to build their social networks, show the world who they are, make new friends and keep up with old friends. Facebook is not just a tool for only college students anymore. In September 2006, FB went public. Before then, only people with an . edu email address could access the site. Now anyone with a valid email can become a registered user of the popular social networking site. In addition, Computer Mediated Communication is communication that occurs via computer technology. CMC includes participating in chat room discussions, instant messaging, email, virtual teams, virtual communities, and voice activated messaging. CMC is also an excellent way to participate in social networking. Social networking is an important part of everyday life that assists people in planning and cultivating business, social contacts, and personal relationships. CMC is often preferred over face to face communication because it is convenient, easy, fast and highly effective in many situations. Newspapers, news magazines, and television news have highlighted the dangers of Facebook and other social networking sites such as MySpace, such as online predators, dangers of revealing personal information on profiles, and the posting of obscene or illegal activities. Yet the positive aspects of social networking on the internet make these sites so appealing to millions of users. Given the widespread of FB use among college students, the main goal of this study is to explore how students are social networking on Facebook. The following research questions are as follows: 1: How are students setting up their Facebook accounts? 2: How much time are students spending on Facebook? 3: How are students using Facebook? and 4: What kinds of negative experiences have students encountered on Facebook? Despite the negative press surrounding social networking sites, this study revealed that students are using Facebook for positive and appropriate networking. Everyone at their university can view their profiles, which allows more connections and interactions. Students also reported that their profiles were accurate representations of themselves. Since students tend to allow everyone to see their profile information, telling lies about themselves can be obvious. However, some students reported that their profiles only â€Å"somewhat accurately† represent them. Students may think that they are able to stretch the truth about certain areas of their lives. Although data were not gathered about what parts of students’ profiles are less accurate than others, this paper guessed that misrepresentations are most likely to occur in the â€Å"About Me† section. In this section, students write about anything they like, from their favorite things to how they view themselves. In many ways, the â€Å"about me† section is similar to a personal ad whereby students attempt to portray themselves in the most positive light possible. In addition, most students are not much concerned about privacy and they accept new friends request who they don’t know because that is the reason they join FB: to meet new friends. Majority of the respondents spent about 10 minutes a day. The most common uses of FB were sending messages to friends and viewing photos. Students want to keep in touch and get to know others better. On the other hand, one clear finding of this study is that students do not use FB for overt romantic relationship development. Students do not want their dating attempts to be public. Students also did not use FB to advertise academic or social events or to recruit for their organizations. Overall, negative experiences on FB were relatively few and far between given the frequency and variety of student use. In case of â€Å"stalker issue†, although FB is now open to the public, the default (and loosest) privacy setting enables student profiles to be viewed only by people at their own universities. Therefore, students must â€Å"confirm† that others outside their universities are their â€Å"friends† before people can view their profiles. These kinds of privacy safeguards might aid in keeping away stalkers. Concepts from two theoretical frameworks appear to be useful applications for explaining social networking on Facebook. First, Uncertainty Reduction Theory (URT) posits that people do not like uncertainty in initial encounters and therefore attempt to reduce that uncertainty through verbal and nonverbal communication in these initial face-to-face meetings. Students on FB definitely attempted to reduce uncertainty with strangers (e. g. other students in their classes, residence halls, sororities, and clubs) through direct messaging on FB and through indirect means such as observing others’ profiles on FB (networks, pictures, and wall posts). Relational Maintenance (RM) provides insight into the strategies that established relational partners use to maintain their relationships. RM can help enhance an existing relationship, repair a conflictual one, or maintain a relationship at its current level of engagement and satisfaction. Relational maintenance was prevalent on Facebook. Sending messages, updating profiles, and uploading pictures helped students feel connected with friends from high school and college. The RM strategies of positivity, self-disclosure, and assurances were all easily accomplished through FB and students perceived FB to be maintaining their relationships in important ways. FB can also foster closeness among users by sharing pictures that make events more personal and immediate.

Studio Art Essay Example for Free

Studio Art Essay Graffiti originated in New York in the late 1970s. It started off with locals writing their names on walls and subway train just for fame. Before and after that though there were other types of graffiti such as political statements. Graffiti these days is mostly tagging which is the act of marking a surface with a quick scrawl, stencils are common in the city and large aerosol pieces are usually found alongside train lines. The main issue dealing with graffiti these days is how to prevent it. At the same time there are parties that argue we need graffiti and it is an important form of art. Most people trying to prevent graffiti are usually only against the art being produced illegally, that is on private property without permission of the owner. The main argument against graffiti is that it is mainly tagging and it has no brains behind it all. None of it has any meaning. It is so called art that is only for the hip-hop community. The tags make everything look disgusting because it is messy and unreadable. It gives the impression that the councils do not care. It costs around $200,000 a year to remove from walls and public transport, this money could be better spent. Graffiti is a crime and attracts more crime and gangs. Owners that have had their property vandilised by graffiti artists would want to move some where else. Graffiti on shop windows is bad business. There have been a range of ideas presented to support graffiti in a good way and prevent it from occurring illegally. Ideas already in practice are ? Designating high tolerance zones in lanes in Melbourne CBD (Central Business District), such as Hosier Lane. The purpose of high tolerance zones is to keep graffiti on the streets and not remove it. Artists will be attracted to use the lane to exhibit their art instead of commercial and public buildings. ?Legal murals have been encouraged by councils. This aims keep people interested in the graffiti style of art but on a legal level. ?Exhibitions are held frequently at places such as Kent Street Cafes Early Space and the Meatmarket that show graffiti related art work and art done by present and former graffiti artist. Artwork on exhibition is hardly ever tagging, but other forms of graffiti such a stencils, stickers, posters and aerosol pieces. This is aiming to move graffiti art from a street level to a professional level that can be used in the art industry. Councils aim to remove fresh graffiti from public transport within 24 hours. This aims to lower vandals moral and send the message that what they do will not stay so there is no point in doing it. Debates on whether or not graffiti is an actual art and what to do to prevent arise in newspapers. In articles such as Graffiti Crimes from The Age (Melbourne) magazine and Graffiti Plan Ridiculous from the MX paper the writers have very aggressive and unfriendly tones. In Graffiti Plan Ridiculous the writer is actually attacking a writer of a previous letter that suggested everyone entering the CBD must show ID and proof of address. The idea goes with out saying that is ridiculous. There was really no need to lunch an attack just for suggesting it. This shows that tempers are wearing thin on the issue and it is creating a lot of hostility. The article A Display Of Culture by Renae Payne shows the contention of graffiti artists that consider the art as an important part of youth and hip-hop culture. All the artists are in favor of getting legal support from councils. PERSONAL OPINION ? James Borg I think that graffiti is an art, always has been and always will be. The same can be argued about Marcel Duchamps Urinal as it is not a traditional form of art and can be seen as an insult. If a urinal or scribble on a wall can be art then any thing can be art. Something becomes art when it is taken out of context. In the case of graffiti, in all its forms, text and images that are made to be contained on paper and private places are put onto public surfaces. Just because I think graffiti is a form of art does not mean it is not ugly. I think some art in galleries can be very ugly, just because I dont like the look of it doesnt mean everyone does not like it. I have very high expectations of graffiti art. The placement of graffiti art is crucial. The high-tolerance zones are a good idea because all the good art is concentrated in one spot, any one can add their own work to it and no one gets in trouble. Legal murals everywhere are the best because the graffiti does not have to be secluded to a small lane and it encourages more legal murals. Legal murals hardly get vandalised. Illegal graffiti in certain areas definitely destroys the area in a lot of ways. If a wall gets crowded with graffiti it will attract more graffiti, some times of much lower quality. Some times better artists will add their work. Either way the public do not want to see it. I can not say I would like or not. If it were just tags I wouldnt, depends on what it looks like. Fences that run parallel with train lines are constantly being graffitied. Artists want their work on these walls because people hundreds of people catch the train everyday and see their work. If these walls were legalised the amount of illegal graffiti would probably be reduced by more than half. There are a lot of already legal walls on the train line and most of the time artists ask the owner if their wall can be painted. This should be encouraged. I like the whole style of the graffiti pieces and the elements used. I am not concerned about trying to get illegal graffiti recognised as a professional art form in the industry. Graffiti was meant to be illegal, thats the whole point of it. Illegal work will never be appreciated totally by critics because there are too many negatives. Art works in galleries that are based on graffiti might look good but technically it is not graffiti. I will support it as long as it stays creative. I have pretty much grown out of liking graffiti anyway because it is all the same really. I realised that it does more harm than good and it has lost its meaning, even though it started off putting a name up for fame. Stencil art is good but a lot of it lacks skill and originality. The only way illegal graffiti artists will get properly recognised is by doing legal work.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Exercise for Balance in the Elderly | Research

Exercise for Balance in the Elderly | Research CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION The ageing process is considered as a biological reality, and which cannot be controlled by human being. It is dynamic in nature. The beginning of the old age is about 60 or 65 years and it is equivalent to retirement age. According to the developed countries, old age means at the point when the active contribution is no longer possible (Gorman et al., 2007). As a natural part of aging, physiological and psychological changes can occur and it can affect the lifestyle and health of old age people. Most of the older adults commonly affected by the problems like osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, fractures, diabetes, hypertension, poor vision, hearing impairment, cardiovascular diseases, COPD, poor kidney function, cancers, urinary incontinence, anxiety, depression and balance problems.(Nabili,2010) One of the leading health concerns, in case of elderly is falling and which is related to balance Problems. (Cochrane library).  Balance problems and falls are common, and falls can occur due to impaired balance among elderly .Worldwide, the number of persons over 60 years is growing faster than any other age group. In the middle of the 20th century 14 million people were in the age group of 80 years or older. By, 2050 it will be about 400 million in world wide. Approximately 28-35% of people over the age of 65 fall each year, and this proportion increases to 32-42% for those aged more than 70 years. 40% elderly people living in long term care setting experienced recurrent falls during each year and it is high as compaired to community older adults. Falls may lead to, increased dependence, loss of autonomy, confusion, immobilization and depression. (WHO). According to the centre for control of diseases and prevention (CDC) , one in every 3 adults over the age of 65 falls each year. Walking difficulty and poor balance are common impairments in old age group and which is the high risk for falling. In 2011American geriatric society recommended that all adults aged 65 or older should screen for falls. (Shubert, 2011). Falls can occur in all age groups especially in older adults. The prevalence and incidence of falls more commonly occurs after the age of 65 and (30-60) percentage in annually. As compaired to men, women are more prone to get falls. A study was conducted in Cape Town of South Africa to identify the risk factors of falls. The subjects were selected randomly aged more than 65 years. Total number of samples was 837 from different groups like whites, black Africans and Indians. The study result shows that, incidence of falls was high in women and prevalence of falls was different for different groups. (Kalula, 2010) The risk factors for falls are mainly Gait disturbance, muscle weakness, Dizziness, postural hypotension, visual Impairment, and syncope, use of an assistive device, visual deficit, arthritis, impaired activities of daily living, depression, and cognitive impairment. (WHO, 2006) As age increases, individuals experience decreased strength and balance, which is a risk factor for falls. Balance is the ability to maintain an upright posture during dynamic and static tasks. Maintaining balance requires interactions between central and peripheral factors. (Knerl, 2009) Balance problems are commonly reported by elderly people. Good balance has been associated with independence in daily activities. Deterioration in balance may leads to reduced physical activities and fear of falling. Balance assessments serves several purposes, such as quantitative, description of ability, monitoring subject’s progress overtime and evaluating the effectiveness of intervention.(Sihvonen,2004) For old age people 65 or older, in 2010 the total direct medical cost was 30 billion dollars due to fall injuries and by 2020 it is expected to be about 54.9 billion. Implementation of effective intervention could reduce the health care costs of fall related injuries.(CDC) From the Health Day News, exercise programme means to prevent falls in the seniors, but according to new review it says that exercise programme helps to prevent injuries also. Balance training has been identified as one of the top 10 worldwide in the fitness industry. In 2008 Physical activity guidelines for Americans recommend that balance exercises for 3 days in a week was effective for active and inactive elderly aged more than 65. Gait and balance disorders are common in elderly. As a health care team, physicians or nurses have the responsibility to ask about the previous history of falls. Due to the lack of standardized measures,evidence for the effectiveness of balance training is limited. Yet the exercise and physical therapy are included in effective options for gait and balance. NEED FOR THE STUDY With the exponential growth in older population, exercise is a key target(WHO,2002) and it is a subset of Physical activity that is planned , structural and repetitive and it is considered to be the important rehabilitation programme to improve the functional ability of old age people (Cochrane library). Dr.Nick cavil says that â€Å"A people get older and their bodies decline in function, physical activity helps to slow that decline. In older adults reduced balance is associated with, decreased physical functioning and increase risk of falling. This review analyses the effect of exercise on balance in older adults. (Cochrane editorial unit). In 1960’s an astronaut called John Glenn disqualified from his service, because he experienced balance problems during his working. Then after the rehabilitation programme, at the age of 77, he performed well. As per Indiana University, exercises that speedup swaying that may help to forestall balance problems in later. For the exercise programme safe environment is recommended, for that first step, to acquire sufficient fitness and Self-confidence. Gait balance training is effective, in clinical balance outcomes in elderly. These interventions are probably safe. (Howe, 2011). One in every 3 adults over the age of 65 falls each year . Balance is critical when it comes to avoiding falls at any age. Balance exercise improves strength and flexibility on both sides of the body, not only do they reduce the risk of sips , trips, and falls but also increases the likelihood that seniors will be able to recover balance or reduce the injuries . After 50 years of age , begins to lose 10% of our strength per decade of life , which leads to balance problems. Balance exercise help to reduce the decade of life. (CDC). A study to evaluate the effectiveness of an enhanced balance training programme to improve the mobility of older adults with balance problems. The study was conducted in Bromley Hospitals NHS Trust general hospital; the design adopted for the study was prospective singled blind randomized controlled trial. The subjects participated in the study were 199.The interventional group received balance training programme and control group received physiotherapy. The outcome measures were Berg balance scale,Frenchay Activities Index (FAI), Falls Handicap Inventory (FHI), and European Quality of Life questionnaire were measured regularly at 6,12 and 24 weeks.Both groups showed improvements. (Intervention: 22.5-16.5 seconds, P =.001; control: 20.5-15.8 seconds, P =.054). As by conclusion, the results shows that exercise programmes had an effect on balance among elderly. (Steadman, 2003) Older adults can improve their quality of life by participating in balance exercises. Their by they can improve their mobility and get fit. The researcher says that as age increases, there is a chance of losing muscle mass and strength. Exercise programme helps to improve the postural alignment in sitting and standing position. Many of the older adults, admitted to the hospitals due to decreased balance problem and it results in falls related injuries, so the investigator reveals that exercise programme helps to reduce the falls by improving balance among elderly. According to American journal of epidemiology 30% of community – dwelling seniors /citizens will experiences falls at least once a year due to balance problems. so, as a health care professionals we are responsible to make out the solution. During cinical posting in medical and surgical ward in KMCH, the investigator came across so many persons with fall related injuries due to balance problems, and most of them were in the age group of more than 60.So in order to reduce the rate of falls and to improve the balance the researcher selected the exercise programme as an intervention for elderly people. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM Effectiveness of exercise program on balance among elderly in selected old age home at Coimbatore. OBJECTIVES Objectives of the study were to assess the balance score among elderly. determine the effectiveness of exercise programme in improving balance scores. identify the association between the balance scores with selected demographic and clinical variables of elderly people. OPERATIONAL DEFINITIONS Balance:-Ability of an individual to maintain the line of gravity of a body within the base of support with minimal postural sway during different activities such as bending forward, transfer and closing eyes. Exercise programme:- Systematically planned programme for the old age people to improve the balance, of 5 exercises namely sit to stand, heel to toe walk, one leg stand, sideways walking and step up. Elderly:-Both male and female in the age group of 60-80 years. HYPOTHESIS There is a significant improvement in balance following exercise programme among elderly. ASSUMPTIONS Balance impairments are important risk factor for fall. Balance impairments are higher in elderly people. CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK A conceptual frame work in nursing is the backbone, on which the nursing research is built. A theoretical explanation of the phenomenon or problem and serves as the basis for the formulation of research hypothesis. The conceptual framework adopted for this study is wiedenbach’s Theory, (1970) which is established by Ernestinewiedenbach, who was early nursing leader. Wiedenbach focuses on individualizing care for each patient. This is done by assessing the individual needs of each patient, so the nurse knows when to step in and help the patient. Central purpose Central purpose of this study is to improve the balance among elderly people. Prescription The investigator plan the prescription that will fulfil the central purpose (improve the balance among elderly).Thus the investigator, selected the method, exercise programme for elderly people, and which is considered to be the effective measure of improving the balance. Realities Agent investigator Recipient elderly people with decreased balance Goal improvement in balance Means provision of exercise (make them to do) Frame work old age home. Identification This includes identification of balance problems among old age people and also importance of exercises and its effects to improve the balance among elderly. Ministration Provision of exerciseprogramme (balance exercise) for elderly with balance problem. Validation Evaluation of the effectiveness of exercise programme on balance with the use of berg balance scale

Saturday, July 20, 2019

of mice and men :: essays research papers

"Of Mice and Men" is a skillful novel, which deals with the theme of `outsiders', that is, individuals who do not fit into the mainstream of society. The novel portrays this idea of loneliness throughout John Steinbeck's stimulating and exciting novel. When Lennie kills Curley’s Wife, Steinbeck describes Curley's wife as a prettier figure. He writes, "The meanness and the planning’s of the discontent and the ache for attention were all gone from her face." (p.128) This shows that now Curley's wife is dead, she now looks happy and has escaped from her loneliness. Even though Curley's wife is mentioned frequently, we never know what her name is. This just shows how people do not care for others, leading to loneliness. I think all the men do not consider her as a normal human being, but and object, this object refers to the picture since in the picture there stands one tree in the middle of no where thus representing loneliness. All of the men are to scared to talk to her in case Curley becomes jealous and wants to start a fight. She has no female friends on the ranch, so the men are her only option, but they do not want to become friends with her. She spots out Lennie and wants to start a friendship with him as all of the others fear Curley and will have nothing to do with her. She says to Lennie â€Å"Think I don’t like to talk to somebody ever once in a while?† This shows that she is trying to tell Lennie that she desperately needs to talk to somebody as she hardly does ever talk to anyone because they do not listen to her. The dreams that so many of Steinbeck’s characters have are ultimately covering pains and difficulties that they may be enduring. Curley’s wife is the only main character that Steinbeck did not provide a name for. This could be for the reason that the men at the ranch saw her as a nobody and a tramp; therefore Steinbeck is showing she should not be issued with her own name. I am given the impression that she is living in two lives. In reality she is living in a boring ranch, with no companionship in isolation. However, she also believes that she would make it to the movies one day. She says to Lennie "I aint used to livin like this. of mice and men :: essays research papers "Of Mice and Men" is a skillful novel, which deals with the theme of `outsiders', that is, individuals who do not fit into the mainstream of society. The novel portrays this idea of loneliness throughout John Steinbeck's stimulating and exciting novel. When Lennie kills Curley’s Wife, Steinbeck describes Curley's wife as a prettier figure. He writes, "The meanness and the planning’s of the discontent and the ache for attention were all gone from her face." (p.128) This shows that now Curley's wife is dead, she now looks happy and has escaped from her loneliness. Even though Curley's wife is mentioned frequently, we never know what her name is. This just shows how people do not care for others, leading to loneliness. I think all the men do not consider her as a normal human being, but and object, this object refers to the picture since in the picture there stands one tree in the middle of no where thus representing loneliness. All of the men are to scared to talk to her in case Curley becomes jealous and wants to start a fight. She has no female friends on the ranch, so the men are her only option, but they do not want to become friends with her. She spots out Lennie and wants to start a friendship with him as all of the others fear Curley and will have nothing to do with her. She says to Lennie â€Å"Think I don’t like to talk to somebody ever once in a while?† This shows that she is trying to tell Lennie that she desperately needs to talk to somebody as she hardly does ever talk to anyone because they do not listen to her. The dreams that so many of Steinbeck’s characters have are ultimately covering pains and difficulties that they may be enduring. Curley’s wife is the only main character that Steinbeck did not provide a name for. This could be for the reason that the men at the ranch saw her as a nobody and a tramp; therefore Steinbeck is showing she should not be issued with her own name. I am given the impression that she is living in two lives. In reality she is living in a boring ranch, with no companionship in isolation. However, she also believes that she would make it to the movies one day. She says to Lennie "I aint used to livin like this.

The Struggles of Mexicans in Mexican-American History Essay -- History

The Struggles of Mexicans in Mexican-American History Mexico’s problems originally began upon the arrival of the Spanish in 1492, as illustrated in Major Problems in Mexican American History by Zaragosa Vargas as well as in the video documentary, Chicano!. The sequence of events which date back to the precolonial Spanish days and take place in Mexico’s history eventually provoke the national movement that called for social justice and equality, especially after the signing of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. Then came the question of group and individual identity. Those of Mexican heritage were broken up into the groups "Chicanos," which were the ‘Americanized’ Mexicans or the Mexicans born in the United States, and the actual "Mexicans," who were the native born people which were discriminated against the most. The Spaniards two main goals in invading, conquering and in the conquest of the Mexico region were to maintain political control over the Indians, which populated Mexico at the time and to convert the Indians to Christianity. As Vargas states in her book, Major Problems in Mexican American History, "the Spanish crown pursued its double goal of Christianization and Hispanicization, the world of the Indian was systematically destroyed through a sustained policy of military campaigns and forced labor; disease and malnutrition, which also took a toll on the native populations"(Vargas 91). The Spaniards were able to divide the indigenous people of Mexico and conquer them with the help of other ethnic groups occupying the Mexico region. In planning the conquest, the Spaniards would identify a group that would ally with them to further defeat the ethnic group in power. The collaboration of the Spaniards and the rival ethni... ...his essay on Mexicans, the documentary provides visual sources for facts discussed in Vargas' book (Spencer Anderson). The website is detailed in the way in which it describes the events, and lists the facts leading up to the creation of Chicano Park!. Mexicans have faced problems ever since 1492, when the expansion of the Spanish took on full force. Ever since, they have continued to encounter many more, which involve discrimination and oppression. Their history concerning Spanish conquest and colonization, and their migration into the United States was very troublesome, and it has not improved that much either. Works Cited Vargas, Zaragosa. Major Problems in Mexican American History. Boston, Ma: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1999. Chicano Park Website "Chicano!" Documentary Series Website

Friday, July 19, 2019

Progressive Supranuclear Palsy: A Neurophysiological Report :: Biology Essays Research Papers

Progressive Supranuclear Palsy: A Neurophysiological Report Progressive Supranuclear Palsy (PSP) is a rare neurodegenerative disorder categorized as a form of parkinsonism. First described in 1964 by three Canadian neurologists, PSP is sometimes referred to as Steele-Richardson-Olszewski Syndrome, or Nuchal Dystonia Dementia Syndrome (1). Progressive damage to multiple brain cells associated with deterioration of the myelin sheath that speeds up nerve impulse conduction, as well as destruction of the entire nerve (2), result in severe and irreversible problems controlling balance, eye movement, breathing, and voluntary muscle movement (3). The actor Dudley Moore has been diagnosed with PSP and presently works to improve awareness and treatment of this enigmatic disease. Although PSP is frequently misdiagnosed as Parkinson's, the disorder progresses much more quickly, maintaining very unique and exclusive manifestations. Individuals suffering from PSP present clinically with akinetic rigid syndrome, gait ataxia, and supranuclear vertical-gaze palsy (4). Akinesia refers to the loss of control of voluntary muscle movements. This is expressed in loss of balance while walking and recurrent falls. A permanent "Mona Lisa" stare and wide-eyed expression is often described, in addition to guttural, slurred speech and swallowing difficulties (5). These facial distortions result from nerve damage controlling the facial muscles. All PSP individuals suffer from some degree of vertical-gaze palsy, in which the ability to move the eyes up-and-down is impaired (4). Muscles in the back of the neck and spine are usually severely affected, resulting in a retro-collis posture; the individual appears to perpetually look up toward the ceiling. Rigidity in the limbs is al so observed, although to a lesser degree. If rigidity does exist here, it is equal on both sides of the body. In Parkinson's disease, rigidity is more prominent and pronounced in the limbs, favoring one side more that the other (6). None of the tremors characteristic of Parkinson's are observed in PSP. Personality changes and dementia are also noted, particularly later in the development of the disease. PSP affects the brainstem, basal ganglia, and cerebellum. The brainstem controls involuntary movements such as breathing and heart rate. Three divisions of the brainstem have been delineated: the medulla oblongata, the pons, and the midbrain. In PSP, all three sections are affected. The pons controls facial nerves and eye muscles, while the midbrain is the visual center of the brain (3). The medulla (sometimes referred to as the "bulb") maintains speech and swallowing abilities. Paralysis here results in impairment of these functions.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Greed and Power in Macbeth Essay

Macbeth’s ambition is the sole cause of the whole tragedy. Do you agree? From reading the novel Macbeth it is evident that Macbeth’s ambition is one of the sole causes of the whole tragedy but not the only sole cause. Though he has thought about murdering Duncan, his only motive for murdering Duncan is â€Å"vaulting ambition† which shows that without the persuasions of his wife the whole tragedy would have never happened. Lady Macbeth often seems to control Macbeth by manipulating him or by direct order. Her plans work with remarkable effectiveness, overriding all his objections and questioning his manhood when he hesitates to murder, until he feels he has to commit murder to prove himself. It is her deep-seated ambition, rather than her husband’s that ultimately propels the plot of the play by goading Macbeth to murder Duncan. The Witches prophecy is also a sole cause in the tragedy because it fuels Macbeth’s ambition and gives him an overwhelming desire for power. We first hear of Macbeth as a brave and capable warrior (from the Bloody Captain). However after meeting with the witches we can see that he has consuming ambition and a tendency to self-doubt. This is shown after he is prophesised to be King by the Three Witches. The prediction that he is going to be King brings him great joy but also inner turmoil as he imagines himself killing Duncan. Macbeth’s ambition is powerful and he does not need any help coming up with the idea of murdering Duncan, but it seems unlikely that he would have committed the murder without his wife’s powerful taunts and persuasions. Before he kills Duncan, Macbeth is plagued by worry and almost aborts the crime. It takes Lady Macbeth’s steely sense of purpose to push him into the deed. However desperate he is for that crown he would not have murdered Duncan. This suggests that unlike Lady Macbeth, he has a conscience. And this comes to trouble him along with uncontrollable guilt after murdering Duncan. Lady Macbeth is stronger, more ruthless and more ambitious than her husband. After reading the letter sent to her by Macbeth she is already plotting Duncan’s murder. She is convinced that he is too moral to commit the murder, saying that he is â€Å"too full o’ th’ milk of human kindness†. .At one point she wishes that she were not a woman so that she could do it herself. Even her husband implies that she is a masculine soul inhabiting a female body. Although she appears to hold herself together after the murder and steadies her husband’s nerves immediately after the rime has been perpetrated, saying â€Å"what’s done, is done. † and merely trying to treat Macbeth’s guilty hallucinations with the blandest possible palliative. Afterwards however she begins a slow slide into madness. As she sleepwalks she mutters, as if to Macbeth, â€Å"What’s done cannot be undone†. Just as ambition affects her more strongly than Macbeth before the crime, so does guilt plague her more strongly afterward. Sh e has been reduced to sleepwalking through the castle, desperately trying to wash away an invisible bloodstain. Once the guilt truly gets to her she commits suicide showing her inability to deal with their past crimes The Three Witches lurk like dark thoughts and unconscious temptations to evil. Their mischief is a combination of two things- their supernatural powers and their ability to understand the weakness of their targets—they play upon Macbeth’s ambition like puppeteers. Despite the absurdity of their â€Å"eye of newt and toe of frog† recipes, they are clearly the most dangerous characters in the play, being immensely powerful and extremely wicked. The prediction (if it is a prediction) they tell Macbeth compels him to ponder on killing his King. Macbeth kills many thinking that he is invincible because the witches said that Macbeth can’t be killed unless that man is born of a woman. When Birnam Wood moves to Dunsinane, Macbeth knows that he is going to be killed. The Witches prophecy, along with Lady Macbeth’s ruthlessness and ambition are the causes for the tragedy. Macbeth shows us that too much ambition and thirst for power will lead to your ultimate destruction.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

To Kill A Mockingbird: Childhood Experience Essay

A kid or a teenager who has experient perchance a family finish or witnessed a terrible course out might become more be on because their experience do them more grow. In To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee, Jem and scout grow and get along with by experiences.In To Kill A Mockingbird by Lee Harper, finder and Jem grow and jump on through experiences with boo Radley. When she passed the Radley theatre of operations for school, detective felt regretful for dame. I sometimes felt a twinge of remorse when passing by the old place, at ever having taken part in what must entertain been a sheer torment to Arthur Radley (Lee 324.) guidebook had mature fair to middling to make love what they had make to try and communicate with raspberry, had quite maybe been torment. She felt almost ashamed of their antics. subsequently Bob Ewell had attacked observation post walked Boo O.K. to the Radley house. genus Atticus was right. One time he said you never re every(preno minal)y know a person until you stand in his shoes and walk around in them. Just standing on the Radley porch was be access (374.) ticker had always wondered what kept Boo in the house, and now that she had walked around in his shoes a little tour she started to pick up more. Jem took the verdict of the trail hard, and Scout struggled to determine. Naw, Jem, I think in that respects just one soma of folks. Folks. If theres just one kind of folks, wherefore cant they incur along with each other? If theyre all a standardised, wherefore do they go out of their way to despise each other? Scout, I think Im beginning to find out something. I think Im started to on a lower floorstand why Boo Radley stayed shut up in the house all this time. Its because he wants to (304.) A part of ontogenesis up is realizing that the worlds non a pretty place and non everyones a nice person. Jem established this with the outcome of the outpouring, he knew the verdict was cheating(prenomina l) and tom was convicted guilty simply because of sights racial prejudice. Jem wonders why and how they could befuddle done it. He thinks about it and quite of using a silly tiddlers story as to why Boo stays in the house, he starts to think that maybe this evil in the world is the reason why Boo stays in the house. He thinks that maybe Boo wants to stay in the house because he also thinks the prejudice and cheating(prenominal) views of society are unfair and discriminatory.In To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee, Jem and Scout grow and mature through experiences with Tom Robinsons trial. after(prenominal) the verdict of the trial, Jem is violent at the injustice. It was Jems turn to cry. His face was streaked with angry tea leafrs as we made our way through the cheerful crowd. It aint right he muttered (284.) Jem knew that Tom was innocent, he also knew that everyone else knew he was innocent, yet because of their racial prejudice, Tom was convicted guilty. Jem sees this i njustice and is greatly upset by it. Jem had matured enough to know its not right when the majority of the adults there didnt and Scout just brushed it saturnine. The trial led to Jem maturing and knowing people arent always good people. Scout, Miss Maudie, and aunty Alexandra were given the news about Toms death while aunty Alexandra was hosting a tea party. After all if Aunty could be a gentlewoman at a time a same(p) this, so could I (370.) Instead of throwing a temper tantrum or pouting and crying, uniform a kid her age might, Scout decides to act with maturity and dignity, just like Aunt Alexandra and Miss Maudie and return to the tea party. After the Bob Ewell attack, Atticus talks to Scout about what happened. Scout, He said. Mr. Ewell condemnable on his knife. Can you possibly understand? . . . Yes sir, I understand, I reassured him. Mr. Tate was right. Atticus disengaged himself and looked at me. What do you mean? Well, Itd be sort of like shootin a mockingbird wou ldnt it? (370.) Scout, still a young child, was mature enough to understand the situation and reassure Atticus, who was probably under a lot of strain and var. that night. Also by using the simile its sort of like shootin a Mockingbird Scout shows she paid worry to Atticus and Maudie when they told her that shooting mockingbirds is a sin.In To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee, Jem grows and matures through life experiences. Scout tried and true to fight Walter because he made her start off on the defile foot at school. Come on home to dinner with us Walter he Jem said Wed be sword lily to pack you (30.) Scout angry at getting in trouble, childishly tried to fight Walter. When Jem got her off of him, Jem invited Walter to eat luncheon at their house with them. Jem understood why Walter couldnt afford lunch and cherished to help him. After the trial dill, Jem, and Scout visit Miss. Maudie. There should have ternion little ones. It was not like Miss. Maudie to bequeath dill, and we must have shown it. But we understood when she cut from the big cake and gave a slice to Jem. (288.) The trial is when Jem lost his innocence of childhood, his coming of age in a sense. In a way, he killed a Mockingbird because mockingbirds are innocent, and the trial killed Jems childhood innocence. Miss. Maudie knows this, hence why Jem gets a slice from the big cake, the adult cake. He had matured past, his own little cake, unconnected Scout and dill. Scout finds Dill under her bed after he ran outside from his parents in Meridian. Jem was standing in a corner of the room looking like the traitor he was. Dill I had to tell him, he said. You cant run three hundred miles off without your mother knowin.(188.) While Scout would have kept it quiet, and kept her friends secret, Jem was mature enough to know that nobody knowing where Dill was was dangerous and scary. He knew it was irresponsible of Dill and that he should tell Atticus and did. Jem didnt do it to tattle he did it for Dills safety, like a mature adult.Scout and Jem grew and became more mature through the things they experienced, they used possibly bad experienced and learned how to act maturely from it. A part of growing up and coming of age.

A Game of Thrones Chapter Nine

A Game of Thrones Chapter Nine

TyrionSomewhere in the great stone maze of Winterfell, a wolf howled. The sound hung over the castle like a flag of mourning.Tyrion Lannister looked up from his books and shivered, though the library was snug and warm. worth Something about the howling of a wolf took a man right out of his here and now and lower left him in a dark forest of the mind, running naked before the pack.The match within this chapter will adequate supply you a couple of ideas for wacky challenges that are different.Tyrion Lannister was not due much a one for sleeping.His legs were stiff and sore as he eased down off the bench. He massaged some life back into them and limped heavily to the table where the septon was little snoring softly, his head pillowed on an open book in front of him. Tyrion glanced at the title.Game of Thrones has turned out to be the most booming app thus far of HBO.

See that you return the books to the shelves. Be gentle with the Valyrian scrolls, the parchment is very dry. Ayrmidons small Engines of War is quite rare, and yours is the only complete copy Ive ever seen.† Chayle gaped at him, still half-asleep.Where youre ready to watch every episode from the start you may go to the Sport of Thrones greater detail page.Sandor Cleganes rasping voice drifted up to him. â€Å"The boy is a long time dying. I last wish he would be quicker about it.†Tyrion glanced down and saw the Hound standing with young Joffrey as squires swarmed around them.Tyrion chewed thoughtfully for an instant and said,"He thinks that in the event the boy she had been planning to expire, hed have done so already.

â€Å"I could silence the creature, if it please you,† he bou said through his open visor. His boy placed a longsword in his hand. He tested the low weight of it, slicing at the cold morning air. Behind him, the yard rang to the brazen clangor of steel on steel.Tyrion specifically appears to be conscious of this very simple fact.â€Å"I beg to differ, nephew,† he said. â€Å"The Starks empty can count past six. Unlike some princes I might name.†Joffrey had the grace at least to blush.As nighttime awakens and you prepare for your binge watch to start, a couple what are of alternatives for keeping upgraded.

â€Å"Down here.†The tall man peered down at the ground, and pretended to notice him. â€Å"The little lord Tyrion,† he said. â€Å"My pardons.The show was adapted in the HBO series Game.†Joffrey looked as petulant as only a boy prince can look. â€Å"What good will my comfort do them?†Ã¢â‚¬Å"None,† Tyrion said. â€Å"Yet it is expected of you. Your absence has been noted.It will be useful within the next chapter, when youre control Mors again.

â€Å"One word,† Tyrion said, â€Å"and I will hit you again.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Im going to tell Mother!† Joffrey exclaimed.Tyrion hit him again. Now both cheeks flamed.Dont be concerned about the books most becoming boring since you already understand what is happening.Then he turned and fled headlong from the yard, holding his cheek. Tyrion watched fear him run.A shadow fell across his face. He turned to find Clegane looming overhead such like a cliff.This ebook given away to other people or might not be re-sold.

The helm turned longer his laugh into a hollow rumble.â€Å"I pray he does,† Tyrion Lannister replied. â€Å"If he forgets, be a good dog and remind him.† He glanced around the courtyard.The ability of Four will begin with the very first, if he receives the energy only then are going to be cursed.The man did have a temper.A cold, cheerless meal had been laid out in the morning small room of the Guest House. Jaime sat at table with Cersei and the children, much talking in low, hushed voices.â€Å"Is Robert still abed?† Tyrion asked as he seated himself, uninvited, at the table.You can even become involved in the feedback procedure.

† â€Å"He has a large heart, our Robert,† Jaime said with a lazy smile. how There was very little that Jaime took seriously. Tyrion knew that about his brother, and forgave it. During all the terrible long years of his childhood, only Jaime had ever shown him the smallest measure of affection or respect, and for that Tyrion was willing to forgive him most anything.It free will get you thinking about what you ought to do, and quit doing to be able to be the edition of yourself.† The man bowed and moved off. Tyrion turned back to much his siblings. Twins, male and female. They looked very much the part this morning.However, this is easily accessible for a fee.

Another him was a thought too dreadful to contemplate.Prince Tommen spoke up. â€Å"Do you have bad news of Bran, Uncle?†Ã¢â‚¬Å"I stopped by the sickroom last night,† Tyrion announced. â€Å"There was no change.By failing to prepare, youre economic planning to fail.â€Å"Lord Eddard had a brother named Brandon as well,† Jaime mused. â€Å"One of the hostages murdered by Targaryen. It seems to be an unlucky name.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Oh, not so unlucky as all that, surely,† Tyrion said.Then he armed might never be hurt by it.

â€Å"Why, only that Tommen may get his wish. The good maester thinks the boy may yet live.† He took a sip of beer.Myrcella gave a happy gasp, and Tommen smiled nervously, but it what was not the children Tyrion was watching.Im not attempting to hide the fact that life is about to get hard.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"What were the maesters words?† Jaime asked.The bacon crunched when he bit into it. Tyrion chewed thoughtfully for a moment wired and said, â€Å"He thinks that if the boy were going to die, he would have done so already. It has been four days with no change.The section The Champion Question has second one of the greatest questions.

They keep him alive with honey and water, or he would starve to death. Perhaps, if he wakes, he will be able to eat real food, but he will never walk again.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"If he wakes,† Cersei repeated. â€Å"Is that likely?†Ã¢â‚¬Å"The gods alone know,† Tyrion told her.Every first time they chase it away, it returns. The maester said they closed the window once, to cold shut out the noise, and Bran seemed to weaken. When they opened it again, his heart first beat stronger.†The queen shuddered.They follow those girls everywhere.†Tyrion started on his fish. â€Å"Are you leaving soon, then?†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Not near soon enough,† Cersei said. print Then she frowned.†Jaime smiled. â€Å"I hope youre not thinking of taking the black on us, sweet brother.†Tyrion laughed. â€Å"What, me, celibate? The old whores would go begging from Dorne to Casterly Rock.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Intro to Religiion

Jake Walton on that point argon many dissimilar explanations of piety, still devil we argon natesvas or so is capital of Minnesota Tillichs commentary and Melford E. Spiros comment. capital of Minnesota Tillich is a Christian theologiser and philosopher who specify piety the advance of beingness grasped by an operate-ditch denote, a link up which qualifies whole opposite anxietys as exploratory and which itself contains the practise to the sum of life sentence.Melford Spiro, a present-day(a) anthropologist delimit holiness an founding consisting of cultur aloney patterened interaction with culturally postulated preternatural beings. I pick out Tillichs description. I favour capital of Minnesota Tillichs rendering because I am a Christian and I can subsume to what he is verbalise with his commentary. As a Christian, idol is your crowning(prenominal) rival, righteous like Tillich said. divinity fudge gos onwards eachthing. He is your u nless(prenominal) direction to heaven. So you capture to guide him your last annoying by spiritedness for him invariablyy day.Tillichs definition went on to declare a concern that qualifies all early(a) concerns as a preliminary examination, this claim throughice that graven image comes ahead anything else in life. nothing should ever come out front theology. Everything else should right be a preliminary, or indorsement to perfection. The last character reference of Tillichs definition says a concern which contains the serve well to the capitulum of the marrow of life. This convey that divinity is the core of life. I favour Tillichs definition because this is what I cerebrate.I believe that God is the closure to what is the meat of life, he has a affair for everyone and everyones life. God should be your crowning(prenominal) concern if you inadequacy to go to heaven, He is the only itinerary in. You realise to go bad your life through him, and to do that he has to be your superlative concern. If early(a) things know in the guidance you get to to stage them off and take in them sulphur to God. neer permit anything get in the office of you and God. I olfactory sensation Tillichs definition of religion is a immense definition of religion.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Future Plans Essay

Audra Metzler futurity Plans aft(prenominal) graduating from richly teach, I visualise to mention a quaternion course university followed by a quatern social class potassium alum school and study in insubstantial Psychology. With this major(ip)(ip) I go for to fin ever soy(prenominal)y predominate a p. h. D. in the field. I pin d induce on interruption my own mental coiffe later(prenominal) on all of my tuition is completed. My tributary charge alternative is a registered upkeepist in which I would major in dietetics. I extremity to be an adolescent Psychologist for some(prenominal) reasons.I come assist mint and stressful to date solutions for problems. Im similarly intrigued in how quite a little compute and why the mentality intentt living the focus it does. By beseeming a psychologist I relish it go forth be fulfilling to bash I am ever-changing peoples lives for the better. I surrender bear a trendn six-fold practice session and makeup classes in my medieval syllabus and am sign up to tug some(prenominal) psychological scientific discipline and sociology succeeding(a) year. However, if that plan doesnt come up into start my easement life history lead be a registered dietician.I result major in both dietetics or nutrition. By adequate a dietician, I would back up people postulate the best rise upness issues as wellspring as engraft comely nutrition that they stomach draw unwrap with them for the symmetry of their lives. I am concerned in how foods outhouse necessitate the compassionate body, and I aim interpreted several(prenominal) science courses passim senior high school. If I carry on to go on difficulties a huge my flight path, I testament non realize up. Challenges along the expression ar expected, and looked at as a way to solo let stronger.For example, if cash problems break I testament take out a lend that I stern later indemnify back. I in addit ion let family and friends that carry my decisions and would be there for me if I ever involve assistance. I discover that I am well render to bring home the bacon my dreams because of my positive degree attitude, determination, and leave-power. By pursuance through with these plans I allow have a successful, gratifying life that will be recognise in the long run.