Saturday, September 7, 2019

Arc petition Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Arc petition - Essay Example However, I could not withdraw the class at the set time by the administration because the first examination that I had with the optician was promising as he assured me that my sight would improve. The result gave me a lot of hopes, and I did not see the need of withdrawing instead I embarked on my studies. Moreover, at the beginning of the semester, my sight was not as poor as it is right now because carry out an experiment and make proper inferences. Before putting my petition, I have extensively discussed my problem with my faculty members and they have promised to give me both the moral and financial support. Furthermore, they have accepted that should my sight improve and I come back to school, they will offer me the classes that I have missed. With the promise of the financial support that I have in the background, I promise that if you let me off the semester and I get the proper medication, I will come back immediately to continue with my studies. I will buy the glasses so as aid my performance in class and I will always be informing the committee members without taking any chance should there be any problem. United States. (1986). FCC record: A comprehensive compilation of decisions, reports, public notices, and other documents of the Federal Communications Commission of the United States. Washington, D.C.: Federal Communications

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