Saturday, September 28, 2019

John Kerry on Syria Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

John Kerry on Syria - Assignment Example Having a weapon does not equate to automatic use and we did not even know if Assad has full control of them because there may be generals under him who would surreptitiously use it without Assad knowing. A. And we know what they did next. I personally called the Foreign Minister of Syria and I said to him, â€Å"If, as you say, your nation has nothing to hide, then let the United Nations in immediately and give the inspectors the unfettered access so they have the opportunity to tell your story.† Instead, for four days they shelled the neighborhood in order to destroy evidence, bombarding block after block at a rate four times higher than they had over the previous 10 days. And when the UN inspectors finally gained access, that access, as we now know, was restricted and controlled. B. Syria has chemical weapons and they are hiding it. When they were asked by UN for an inspection, they bombed it to destroy its evidence. They bombed it because their bombing rate was four time higher than the previous 10 days. C. This argument is unsound because Kerry immediately assumed that Syria is hiding its chemical weapons and that they are bent on hiding it so as to bomb it after UN advised for inspection. The certainty that they intend to hide their chemical weapons due to the increased rate of bombing is unsound. Increased rate of bombing can be caused by a multitude of factors and not just to hide it. It is also illogical to bomb their chemical weapons to hide them. Why not move and keep it somewhere else where no one can trace it? A. In all of these things that I have listed, in all of these things that we know, all of them, the American intelligence community has high confidence, high confidence. This is common sense. This is evidence. These are facts. C. The argument is just flatly wrong. What the American intelligence community is

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